Monday, September 20, 2010

2010 Junk Bonanza

Fancy Legs Folk Art Booth at the 2010 Junk Bonanza

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see me at the 2010 Junk Bonanza.  It was a great show and I enjoyed meeting lots of new folks.  If you haven't been to the Junk Bonanza before, put it on your list to do next year.  The show is a real eclectic mix of vintage treasures from old rusty scales to art made from salvaged items.

It's always hard to part with pieces I have spent so much time with, but I am glad to see they are going to good homes.  Bye bye, Humpty Dumpty!

Humpty Dumpty

Two Tiered Table Painted in Carnival Color Palette

Dotted Chair with Susan Sargent Neat O Fabric

Friday, September 10, 2010

Pheasant footstool wins a blue ribbon at the MN State Fair

My friend Judy has been twisting my arm the past few years to enter a piece in the state fair.  This year I entered my pheasant footstool.  It was in an unusual category, #247 Hooked rag item other than a rug.  To my surprise, it won first place.

I have to laugh when I think back to designing this piece.  I had been getting comments that my color palette was too bright for most Minnesotans.  Originally the pheasant was my attempt to tone things down.  I was doing pretty good using earth tones until I got to the border.  By the time I painted the footstool, I couldn't restrain myself from dipping my brush in bright colors.

Congrats to Judy whose rug won first place at the Washington County Fair and second place in the Minnesota County Sweepstake Rug Contest at the State Fair.  Thanks for the nudge I need to get my work out in the public.